Korean Studies


About this Site

This website showcases the Korean linguistic and cultural studies of a lifelong student born and raised in the United States of America.

Honorific (formal) conversational Korean is used, whenever possible, to keep its content consistent and concise as possible.  As an aside, alternate (informal) forms are included for the reader to use (e.g., among peers).  Like other world languages, speech level, intonation, situational context and setting factor into native communication.  Fortunately for the foreign learner, the Korean language is pretty straightforward in terms of its grammar and pronunciation.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License .  Comments, corrections, suggestions and feedback are welcome.

How to Use

Korean writing, hangul, is used throughout this site. Written Korean is alphabet-based and was designed to be learned easily .  Many of the words and phrases presented throughout this site include Romanized representations for English readers.

The pages throughout this site contain word lists for vocabulary building and phrase dictionaries for grammar and usage.

A word list pairs an English word with its respective word in Korean.

For long lists, a search box (not shown) can be used to filter through the list.

Clicking a column heading will sort that column alphabetically.

Example Word List (simplified)
English Korean
Welcome 환영
World 세계
Internet 인터넷
Website 웹 사이트
Homepage 홈페이지

Word lists branch from phrase dictionaries and are organized by category (e.g. mealtime phrases » names of foods | mealtime phrases » names of utensils, etc.)   Shorter word lists may be combined into a single list, sortable by category instead.

A phrase dictionary contains entries of related expressions or sayings[1].  

An entry is divided into components:

  1. Known
  2. Romanized
  3. Literal
  4. Honorific
  5. Reference
  6. Related

The toolbar[5] below the hangul phrase box[4] links to relevant, online resources:

opens dialogue
copies to clipboard
queries Google Search
queries Google Translate
opens media
Example Phrase Dictionary (entry)

[1] Hello.

May peace be with you.
안녕 peace
하세요 please [have]
[4] [5]
see also: 안녕하십니까?

Not all entries have an attached context dialogue or a media source available on the toolbar.   Please forward additions (text, URL/hyperlinks) for review and inclusion to the webmaster.

Contextual dialogues depict the usage of speech levels between younger and older speakers, for a particular phrase or expression.

Example Context Dialogue

I represent a younger person.   I use the honorific form of a given phrase.   It appears here.

younger person avatar older person avatar

I represent an older person.   I use the informal form of a given phrase.   It appears here.


Take a look at the two columns below.

Both columns display the word 한글 in Korean script. The left column (1) uses plain text. The right column (2) uses an image.

Most web browsers can display the image in the second column. However, if the first column appears blank or is missing text, Korean language support might not be currently installed on the viewer’s operating system.

1. Text


2. Image

the word hangul in korean script
